Description: G:\Ddrive_06192016\Aese1\HOMEPAG1\fek.jpgDescription: G:\Ddrive_06192016\Aese1\HOMEPAG1\rsz_1rsz_dscn1067.jpgFrederick E. Kirschner, Jr.,


Chief Executive Officer


Dr. Kirschner has extensive experience in managing nuclear, hazardous, mine, and municipal solid wastes; conducting baseline surveys and site characterizations, investigating and subsequently predicting contaminant migration at disposal sites; designing landfills and impoundments; and evaluating engineering performance standards.

Dr. Kirschner’s areas of expertise include:

Education and Affiliations

Representative Experience

Dr. Kirschner has been involved in more than 30 major projects in environmental impacts, site characterization, site remediation, and waste-management design for industry and state and federal governments. His project experience includes:


Dr. Kirschner has taught several short-courses and published more than 30 technical papers on various aspects of waste management, hydrogeology, and site characterization.

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